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Race, Policing, and Student Agency

Session 1
Rusul Alrubail, Kelly Wikham Hurst, Shana White, Laura Thomas, Valencia Clay.

How can they expect to rebuild their communities when the experience of living in those communities is so hostile? Is it possible to instill (surface? reinforce?) a love and respect for the place that "made" you, while also recognizing and hating the things that made it a difficult place to grow up? We will explore those questions and post a few throughout the group discussions:

-What duty do we have to address racial and systemic violence that harms our students? -How can we instill a love for school, education, and learning while connecting to students’ backgrounds and lives at home? -How does privilege disrupt the student agency process? -How can teachers of color remove hindrances to the development and growth of student agency? -How do we encourage parents in the process of student agency when schools have not been helpful/welcoming?

Conversational Practice

Our workshop will be an open conversation that invites participants to share their own experiences how they’ve been impacted by violent policing, racism and systemic brutality and oppression in and out of the classroom, as students, parents, teachers, and educators. We will start the conversation with sharing our stories, because we believe that this will create a safe space for everyone to share theirs. Then we will divide participants up into smaller groups to share their own stories, and each of us will work as conversation facilitators, while providing strategies and support. At the conclusion of the group breakouts, we will share resources, points of contact, and other tools to proactively improve agency and advocacy for students, educators, and parents in public schools.

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Presenter Profiles

Shana White
Shana White
Constellations Center for Equity in Computing/Georgia Institute of Technology
Kelly Hurst
Kelly Hurst


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