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Grades, Schmades: Less Grading More Learning

Session 3
Katie Rego, Weston Pondolfino, Brian Hodges — Attleboro High School

Participants will begin by determining and debating what the purpose of grading should be. This will be based on a survey from Thomas Guskey. Then we will show examples of how grades frequently get in the way of the goals we have for our students. We will show several examples of alternative approaches to traditional grading practices including standards-based and not grading at all. Lastly, participants will be given the opportunity to examine their own practice and determine how well it aligns with their beliefs about the purpose of grading.

Conversational Practice

Small and whole group discussion centered around the philosophy of grading and collaborative time to reflect and improve grading practices.

Presenter Profiles

Tobey Reed
Tobey Reed
Attleboro High School


Dani Shylit


I am leading a conversation at the same time as this session. Might you be willing to share any insights that arise? I am planning a session on Deconstructing Grading this spring at my district. I would love to hear more about this conversation.

Best, Dani

Tobey Reed

Let's talk about the thing that no one likes to talk about. Tradition has us doing it because "it is what we have always done". Let us think about the practice and determine if it really meets our needs.

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